1. git-brws(1)
  2. git-brws(1)


git-brws - open a repository, file, commit, diff, pull request or issue in your web browser


git brws
git brws file...
git brws file#lnum...
git brws branch
git brws commit
git brws tag
git brws commit..commit
git brws commit...commit
git brws --repo repo
git brws --pr
git brws --website


git-brws is a command line tool to open a repository, file, commit, diff, tag, blame, pull request, issue or project's website in your web browser from command line. 'brws' is an abbreviation of 'browse'.

Example of pages which git-brws can open are:

git-brws prefers permlink to the latest page since the latest page will change when new commit is pushed to the branch.


git-brws supports GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, BitBucket, GitLab as Git repository hosting services.


In addition to arguments described in SERVICES, following options are available as command line arguments. All are optional.

-r, --repo REPO

Specify which repository should be open. REPO is one of (1) shorthand format (repo, user/repo, host/user/repo) or (2) Git URL you want to see. When only repository name is specified, git-brws searches GitHub with query '{repo} in:name' and opens the best-matched repository page.

-b, --branch BRANCH

Branch name to browse.

-d, --dir PATH

Directory path to the repository. Default value is current working directory.

-R, --remote REMOTE

Remote name (e.g. origin). Default value is a remote the current branch is tracking. If current branch tracks no branch, it falls back to 'origin'.

-u, --url

Output URL to stdout instead of opening in browser.

-p, --pr

Open pull request page instead of repository page. If not existing, open 'Create Pull Request' page.

-w, --website

Open website page instead of repository page (homepage URL for GitHub, GitLab pages, Bitbucket Cloud)

-B, --blame

Open blame page instead of repository page. File path to blame must be passed also.

-c, --current-branch

Open the current branch instead of default branch.

-h, --help

Print this help.

-v, --version

Show version.


Current repository page.

$ git brws

'develop' branch.

$ git brws -b develop

'origin' remote of 'develop' branch.

$ git brws -r origin -b develop

@rhysd's 'Shiba' repository on GitHub.

$ git brws -r rhysd/Shiba
$ git brws -r react

Repository specified by directory.

$ git brws -d ~/.go/src/github.com/rhysd/dot-github

File of current branch of current remote.

$ git brws ./some/file.txt

Line of the file.

$ git brws ./some/file.txt#L123

Note: The 'L' can be omit.

Range from line to line of the file.

$ git brws ./some/file.txt#L123-L126

Note: The 'L' can be omit.

'HEAD' page of current repository.

$ git brws HEAD

'0.10.0' tag page of current repository

$ git brws 0.10.0

Diff between 'HEAD' and 'HEAD~3'.

$ git brws HEAD~3..HEAD

Diff between '113079b' and '60024ab'.

$ git brws 60024ab..113079b

In addition to '..', diff with '...' is supported.

Diff between 'branchB' and the merge base commit from 'branchB' into 'branchA'

$ git brws branchA...branchB

Note: If you don't know the difference between '..' and '...', please read 'git diff --help'.

Note: Only GitHub and GitHub Enterprise support '...'. For GitLab, only '...' is available.

Pull request page of current branch of current repository.

$ git brws --pr

Note: When a pull request page for current branch is not existing yet, it opens 'Create Pull Request' page instead.

Pull request page of specific branch of specific repository.

# Specify my forked repository
$ git brws --pr --repo rhysd/rust.vim -b async-contextual-keyword

# Or specify original repository
$ git brws --pr --repo rust-lang/rust.vim -b async-contextual-keyword

Note: Currently only GitHub and GitHub Enterprise are supported.

Note: If you have created multiple pull requests at the same repository with the same branch name, the command may not open a pull request page you want.

Note: When a pull request page for current branch is not existing yet, it opens 'Create Pull Request' page instead.

Website for the repository

# Website for current repository
$ git brws --website
# Website of other repository
$ git brws --website --repo git-brws

Note: It opens a website for the repository.

An issue page.

$ git brws '#8'

Note: '#' is usually used for a line comment in major shells. Please quote the argument

Blame a file

$ git brws --blame some/file.txt

Blame specific line of a file

$ git brws --blame some/file.txt#L5

Blame specific range of a file

$ git brws --blame some/file.txt#L5-L9



Git command to use. If not specified, "git" will be used.


When you use your own GitHub Enterprise repository, you can specify its host to this variable. By default, git-brws detects '^github.' as GHE host. If your GHE repository host does not match it, please specify this variable. If your repository is 'https://example-repo.org/user/repo', 'example-repo.org' should be set.


When you set a number to it, the number will be used for the ssh port for GitHub Enterprise URLs.


When you use self-hosted GitLab instance, you can specify its host to this variable. By default, git-brws detects host matching to '^gitlab.' as GitLab. If your GitLab URL host does not match it, please specify this variable. If your repository is hosted at 'https://your-code.net/user/repo', 'your-code.net' should be set.


When you set a number to it, the number will be used for the ssh port for self-hosted GitLab URLs. This is useful when your environment hosts GitLab to non-trivial ssh port URL.


This variable is used for '--pr' (or '-p') only. API access token for github.com. They are optional, but useful for avoiding API rate limit and accessing to private repositories. Please generate a token from https://github.com/settings/tokens/new


Ditto. When $GIT_BRWS_GITHUB_TOKEN is not set, $GITHUB_TOKEN is looked.


This variable is used for '--pr' (or '-p') only. API access token for GitHub Enterprise instance. It is sometimes mandatory (depending on your GHE instance configuration). Please generate a token from 'https://{YOUR GHE HOST}/settings/tokens/new'.


Command to open URL. If this value is specified, the command is executed with URL as first argument to browse the URL.


Setting 'true' will use 7-letters short commit hash like '78fbce6' for URLs.


This variable is used for '--pr' (or '-p') only. An HTTPS Proxy server URL if you use a web proxy.


git-brws is developed at repository hosted on GitHub.



Please visit issues page to see known bugs. If you've found a new bug, please report it here.


git-brws is licensed under the MIT License Copyright (c) 2016 rhysd



  1. September 2020
  2. git-brws(1)